
BTS: How Many Ways Rice Krispies

During Production

On any given day, 100’s of bags of candy, 100’s of pounds of Rice Krispie batter, and baking racks filled with character iterations & variations. It was pretty nuts ……..& sprinkles!


This production was at least 5 years ahead of it’s time. While it may not have been the first, it’s ambition is indeed incredible. We see lock down robotic camera moves over live action footage, with Stop-motion footage mimicking the robotic camera, then layers of CG elements, text glints, shadows, finally all composited together. This was huge victory and the funnest of shoots, bated breath at times, but nonetheless a real showstopper.

In this video you can see the initial previz & the on-set live action camera move, side by side. This unique choreography was duplicated on 2 very different, & specific camera rigs.

Before crafting any armature onto actual treats, before casting, we started with simple drawings. Illustrations really, commonly called “boards.” From there, video editors created mask layer hierarchies and crudely moved the drawings around to create a “boardomatic” (aka animatic of the illustrations).

What’s remarkable is the before & after (previz & production) really are not that far apart on the continuous/ no cut camera move. The timing is crucial cause the camera accelerates and stalls as it zeros in on various points of interest. Photogrammetry was crucial. This is the upper echelon of motion control across 3 completely different sets and pipelines, virtually, and irl.


